Our Impact
We take every cup seriously
We make a difference in the lives of the people who grow and create our specialty coffee in decent working conditions, without child exploitation, equal opportunities for men and women, through sustainable practices at a fair price that supports the sustainable development of families and producing communities.
Part of our work is to position sustainable practices as a priority and focus them on meeting the needs of the present and taking care of the impacts in the future.
How does Fairtrade work?
Fairtrade Fairtrade is a simple way to make a difference in the lives of the people who grow and create the products we love. Achieving fair trade is the top priority.
Fair for the producers
Small farmers and workers are among the most marginalized in the global trading system. At Fairtrade, they are at the core of everything we do. The characteristic that distinguishes Fairtrade from other certification systems is that producers participate on equal terms in management and decision-making in Fairtrade.
For farmers and workers, Fairtrade equals:
Prices that seek to cover the average costs of producing crops sustainably, which represents a vital safety net when market prices fall;
The Fairtrade Premium, an extra sum of money paid on top of the sale price to invest in business or community projects of your choice;
Decent working conditions and prohibition of discrimination, forced labor and child labour;
Access to credit in advance of the harvest;
Greater ability to plan for the future, with greater security and stronger relationships with buyers.

What is Fairtrade?
Fair Trade Fairtrade changes the way trade works through better prices, decent working conditions and fairer treatment for farmers and workers in developing countries.
Fair Trade Fairtrade links producers, businesses and consumers in a global system of ethical and sustainable trade.
With more than 30,000 unique Fairtrade products for sale around the world, the decisions you make when shopping can improve the quality of life for farmers and workers in developing countries.